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Let's be real for a hot second here...balancing work and family is hard AF. Which is why I'm sharing these positive daily affirmations that have helped me feel not so burnt out.
I first started to use affirmations a few months ago when I was felt like I was drowning. Trying to do ALL THE THINGS that come with being a full-time working mom. From making sure bags were packed, household chores are done and attempting to keep my relationship alive.
It's a lot to handle and takes work I constantly felt like I was being barely treading water and not in a good mental state either. Once I learned some simple and small things, everything became much better.
I took a few months and really looked at all aspects of my life, took notes on what needed improvement. I read books, listened to podcasts and watched YouTube videos to help me create a routine and get in a mindset that works for me.
Why You Need to Practice Positive Affirmations
It all comes down to your mindset. When you have a calming mindset, the chaos around you doesn't ring so loud. To help with my mindset, I started to do daily affirmations.
I've tried to align my affirmations with my word of the year. Check out my post on how and why you should choose a word of the year here.
There's a lot of negativity going on in the world, and it can hit you at all angles. Having these positive affirmations to help combat the negative thoughts will help keep you on track.
What are Positive Affirmations?
You're probably thinking 'what in the hell are positive affirmations?!' Simply put, positive affirmations are positive phrases or statements used to challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts.
Affirmations come in all shapes and sizes, they can single words, phrases or even a few sentences.
Below are some of my Favorite Affirmations for Working Moms
- I take care of my mind, body and soul.
- I love myself exactly as I am.
- I love my child/children just as much as if I would if I were at home with them.
- I am not perfect and that is OK.
- I am capable of achieving my goals.
- I am the best mom for my child/children.
- I am becoming the best version of myself.
- I deserve love, respect and attention
- My life is beautiful.
- My family and I are safe and happy.
- One bad day does not define my motherhood.
- I am more than just a ‘mom’.
- I can and I will.
- Today, I choose to be happy
- I am calm throughout the chaos.
If you find yourself stuck on finding affirmations that work for you, check out the app Motivation from the app store. It has TONS of different categories for you to choose from and you can rotate them out.
How to Incorporate Positive Affirmations Into Your Daily Life
Writing down your affirmations is a great way to start. But, how do you make them a habit? By repeating them day after day. Check out some of my favorite ways to incorporate positive affirmations in daily life.
1. Write them on a PostIt and stick them everywhere. Bathroom mirror, fridge, car mirrors, etc.
2. Make it your phone background and/or lock screen.
3. Write it down in your gratitude journal for that day .
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Do Positive Affirmations Really Work?
As the famous Albus Dumbledore says 'Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry. Why should that mean it's not real?'. Just because this practice is working on your mind instead of physically on your body doesn't mean it won't bring about change.
Positive thinking is such a powerful tool that it's amazing how under rated it is.
Try repeating just one or two of these phrases each and every day and you'll be amazed at how quickly your mindset shifts to a more positive outlook.