If you’ve said any of the following phrases: “Don’t jump on that!”, “Where did you get that from?”, or the ever-favorite, “What is in your mouth?”, then you most certainly have hit the toddler stage of life. Everyone tells you about the newborn essentials but no one really mentions the toddler essentials.
No one really warns you about this and the havoc it can bring. Toddlers are their own brand of lovable craziness. Bring them the wrong cup, watch out because it’s going to be a meltdown. Telling them that they can’t eat that piece of macaroni they found under the couch? Forget about it, might as well settle in for a doozy of a meltdown.
I was not prepared for the toddler stage and the havoc it can bring. We got super lucky with Cameron as a baby but boy does he seem to be making up for it now.
There are so many things that I am extremely grateful for because they made life easier with a growing toddler. Below are just the TOP 11 Toddler Essentials items that have made life a little less chaotic.

Kitchen Toddler Essential Items
Silicone Divided Plates
These plates are AMAZING for a few reasons:
1. They are dishwasher & microwave safe, so perfect for leftovers.
2. Since they are silicone they are basically stain resistant.
3. Three divided areas that are perfect for picky eaters!
4. This set comes in a pack of 3 and for a limited time you can save an extra 10% with a coupon.
Water Bottle
These plates are AMAZING for a few reasons:
1. They are dishwasher & microwave safe, so perfect for leftovers.
2. Since they are silicone they are basically stain resistant.
3. Three divided areas that are perfect for picky eaters!
4. This set comes in a pack of 3 and for a limited time you can save an extra 10% with a coupon.
Safety 1st OutSmart™ Slide Lock
If you don't want to screw into your cabinets or have some complicated magnet device, then look no further.
This slide lock if perfect for any cabinet with knobs. The best part about this item is that it has a little button on the one part as a distraction for your little one. They'll become so enamored with the button that they completely forget they were trying to get into something they shouldn't be.
Toddler Essentials - Toys
Kids Tablet
Tablets are always a hot topic of conversation as well as screen time. As parents, you have to do what's best for your and your family. So if you choose the table route (totally OK!) these are the 2 best options.
Obviously, the iPad is the higher ticket item but the Kindle Fire 7 Kid's tablet is AMAZING.
Random Toddler Essentials
Training Underwear
Any parent who has potty trained a toddler will tell you, that shits hard. Not to mention emotionally draining, not only on you (& spouse) but also your little one.
These training underwear are a perfect compromise. They offer a little extra padding in the front to mimic a diaper but are basically underwear.
This will help get your little one used to the on/off motion and will also help them not to feel discouraged if they have an accident.
Portable Booster Seat
This little mini camping chair is great. We used it from the time Cameron was about a year old until about 2 1/2 (he got too tall).
It comes with a tray table & has the clips to help secure it to any chair. You can also use it as a stand alone seat on the ground.
This chair is super cute and comes in 5 colors!
Wipes/Wet Ones
Any adult will tell you, kids are messy and usually sticky. Always carry around some type of wet wipe, whether is regular wipes or face/hand wipes.
In my bag are about 3 different types of wipes at any given time. Check out my post about what to carry in your bag.
Mom life is hard, any of these above essential items will help make your life just a little easier. Whether it's to give yourself some extra time to cook dinner in peace or making travelling slightly less chaotic.
There are so many great toddler essentials out there, drop me a comment below and tell me yours!
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