As the end of the year looms closer, I decided to take a few hours over the last few days and figure out my plan for 2021. Everyone is different so, for me, I took 30 minutes before bed for a few days and reflected on the previous 12 months.
I have tried picking a word of the year in the past and haven’t really stuck with it. This year has been a rough one, that’s for damn sure and I really want to make sure that 2021 is better. Not just for me but for my family as well.
Why pick a word of the year?
A word of the year helps to keep you focused on what you want to accomplish throughout the year. Looking at that word daily helps you make decisions in your daily life that will keep you aligned with the goals you’ve set for yourself.
I usually struggle with picking a word of the year but this year I did some things completely different. One of those things was I actually took the time to really dig deep and be honest with myself.
Tools you’ll need:
Everyone does things differently, but me, I post up on my bed with my night time tea and my AMAZING heating pad…because ya know over 30 over here! Get yourself nice and cozy grab a few things and get to work.
- Lap Desk – when I’m sitting in bed, whether with my iPad or laptop, I usually grab this cute lap desk to prop everything on it. Plus, I love the fact that I don’t feel the heat on my legs. This one is awesome because not only does it come in a few colors/patterns but it also has 2 sizes in case you’ve got a larger than life set up.
- Bullet Journal or Digital Version – not sure if I’ve mentioned this but I’m more of a digital gal. Having everything on my iPad is great because I can bring it with me wherever I go. But if you’re not a digital person then a bullet journal or planner is for you.
- Amazon has some amazing options for a bullet journal for any level journaler.
- If you’re a planner person then I would suggest either a Happy Planner or Erin Condren. I like the Happy Planner because you can add or remove pages/sections to fit your needs.
- Scented Candle/Diffuser Blends – Surrounding yourself with the right scent helps you relax and focus on the things that you need to get done. I have both options in our bedroom, however lately, I’ve been favoring a diffuser.
- I got this diffuser/Himalayan salt lamp combo for Christmas and I am LOVING it! I had both items separately so this combo is a great space saver on my nightstand. Not to mention, it has a $10 off coupon RIGHT NOW!
How to pick a word of the year?
I did a lot of research this time regarding how others have chosen their word of the year. As I said above, I’ve chosen a word but then never really stuck to it throughout the year. So, this time, I wanted to do it differently and really hold myself accountable for what I chose.
Step 1: Reflect
Sit down and take 10-15 minutes and reflect on this past year. Ask yourself the following questions. write down whatever comes to mind first, don’t go back and edit later. Don’t overthink or analyze your responses, just write the first things that come to mind.
- What went well this year?
- What didn’t go well this year?
- What would you change about this year?
- How did you feel throughout the year?
- How do you want to feel NEXT year?
I look at the good, the bad and the ugly. I review my goals list for the year and delve into the reasons as to why some of those were not met. What fears or thoughts were holding me back.
As you look over your responses, you’ll be able to get a better idea of where you’d like to see the next year take you.
Step 2: Visualize
You can’t make things happen unless you visualize and work towards those things. Think about what your ideal day would look like.
Give yourself a few minutes, light a candle, throw some oils in your diffuser and sit on your bed (or floor, pillow, you do you) and just quiet your mind to think.
Sometimes the most clarity comes when you are being quiet. This is also a great time to just think about what you want your word to be. Usually, when we quiet our minds, that’s when we are thinking the clearest and what you want most shines through.
Step 3: Make a List
Take 10-15 minutes and jot down any words that come to your mind. Remember, don’t overthink or overanalyze these words. Just go with the flow and see what comes out. Having trouble? Check out the below list for some examples.

Step 4: Review and Refine
Read over your list and pick out your top 5 words. As you’re reviewing, you might notice a theme happening…that’s good!
Now, take a look at those 5 words and think about how they make you feel. Are you excited, nervous, or scared? Sometimes being nervous & scared can be a good thing, it means you are jumping out of your comfort zone, trying new things. I also believe that finding your word of the year can bring you a sense of peace and clarity in your life.
Step 5: Decision Time
Now that this list of words has been narrowed down, I want you to look at each word and ask yourself 1 question.
Are you committed?
If you’re simply just interested then there is a huge chance that you will not stick to your word. You’ll end up making excuses to not put forth the effort that will be required to make these changes.
But, if you’re committed, you’re going to want to make sure that you take the necessary steps needed to make this happen.
Once you’ve picked a word, I want you to write it down EVERYWHERE! Notebook, fridge, window above sink, bathroom mirror, phone background. Put it anywhere you will be able to see it EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY.
I know that this process can be daunting, especially for a working mom but I really feel that if you have something to strive for and want to ensure your own peace of mind then this is something that you should take the time to figure out.
Once you’ve found your word of the year; write it down, print it out, make it look pretty do whatever you need to do it. Then stick it on your bulletin board, make it your phone/iPad/computer background, put it somewhere you will see it EVERY . SINGLE . DAY as your daily reminder that this is the year you do great things.
Choosing a word of the year helps you stay accountable and keeps you on track to your goals. Every time something comes up, whether a new project, new opportunity, whatever life brings your way, take a look at that word and make sure that whatever it is, will work with your vision and where you want to be.
[…] following my chosen word. In 2020, I chose the word discipline. Check out my post from last year on how I chose my word for 2020. Most of the goals I had set for myself really relied on me gaining and learning discipline in […]
[…] Plan your Day – I love this To-Do List pad that has easy to rip off sheets, that are perfect for daily use. It also has spots for your TOP 3, Affirmations (check out my post on how to find your word of the year here.) […]